Friday, October 18, 2013

Wooga / Jiu Fen Tian Pin

What is the best way to celebrate end of a semester and beginning of SWOT Vacation?
GOOD FOOD! Yes, you saw that!
Apparently good food is our only source of motivation to give our best, bite the bullet and complete all our assignments. In case you are wondering what's so tough, we have been dapao-ing our groupmates work because they are sub-standard. Forgive my slang, it means redoing all the project on our own :'(
I really hate it when I get selfish groupmates - welcome to the world and face it, social loafers are EVERYWHERE literally...

Forget about those nonsense and focus on food foodies! :)
270 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
(Directly opposite Queen Victoria Market)
 side dishes
 BBQ pork belly
Spicy Kimchi and Pork Soup

The serving portion for the BBQ meat is really small 3 pieces of pork belly is 
 2 person's serving so you can gauge for yourself how much to order.
Korean food in Melbourne city tends to be a little bit more pricey so expect to spend almost AUD 20 per main or portion of meat.

Mains do not come with rice so you have to get it separately.

 Jiu Fen Tian Pin
You can find it along Swanston street  towards Bourke street (Chinatown)
warm grass jelly and soybean curd with pearls

We wanted to chill while planning our saturdate - brunch so here we are... It is kinda hard to find places with good traditional desserts here and yes, they are pricey. I am pretty sure I can get them less than half the price back home, but heck that - comfort food is priority :)

Check out next post for yummilicious brunch at Brunswick <3

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