Thursday, October 24, 2013

Melba - Jessie & Vanessa's 21st birthday celebration!

Blessed 21st birthday to my two awesome friends - Jessie & Vanessa <3

I am so glad that I was invited to join them for dinner to celebrate their birthdays. It's always nice to hang out with friends for a good chillax session and dinner before hitting the books for exams again. Yes :( I don't like studying but what to do? Sometimes I feel pretty guilty spending so much on food, but I guess it is worth it since I don't spend my money elsewhere teehee. Excuses, I know right! ><

1 Southgate Ave 
SouthbankVIC 3006
The Langham Hotel
Atas food in atas envrionment comes with atas price - AUD 80 per pax 
In case you are wondering, 'atas' is Singlish for 'high class' :D
(Daddy I hope you don't see this post >< )
 South bank in the evening

Seafood! My favorite! It's a pity they aren't that fresh so no thanks to my usual second helping. 
 I love the Peking duck wrap!

sambal prawns, it is surprisingly tasty for a Chinese dish in a western country. pleasantly surprised :) 
stir-fried kang kong 
 Cheese garlic naan is soo soo good. I know it is retarded to describe food as good hahahas looks like I need to start beefing my vocabulary base. The tandoori chicken is pretty spicy though - couldn't finish ><

 Shall put a padlock when I visit this place with my partner in December <3
 Mini compilation summary to end the post.

All the best for exams girls! Gambatte!

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