Friday, November 8, 2013

Brunch at Mart 130

Mart 130
107A Canterbury Rd 
Middle ParkVIC 3206

It's 2 days after my exmas, time to treat myself a good brunch with Tea :D Met Tea late morning for brunch at Mart 130. I have heard a lot of raves from my peers about this place but yet to get a chance to visit till today ! Like finally, I know right!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with such an amazing morning, the weather was good and it is a cozy place for brunch. I love the food there. It is as good as what people claims, no wonder it is one of my friend's favourite brunch places. Technically speaking I love all the places I have been to brunch so far because they are really yummy, except the price part. I always spend around AUD 25 for brunch without fail D; 

Tea had corn fritters while I had #5 and 50/50 juice.
#5: poached eggs, bacon, spinach with hollandaise sauce and potatoes.
50/50 juice is technically mixed juices and I had my favourite blend of apple,orange and manjo juice <3

It is always nice to go out with cell mate, to share what we have learnt from the bible and life experiences. Me being able to study in Melbourne is definitely a blessing from the Lord because I get to meet really amazing people here that made me regain my hope in mankind. They give and care not because they want anything in return but rather they are truly concern. This really inspires me to make a difference in people's life . Praise the Lord :D

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