Monday, November 4, 2013

Tiamo - Chen Yaan's Birthday Celebration

Blessed birthday Chen Yaan! :D
After my first paper we decided to plan a surprise birthday celebration for Chen Yaan. I know it sucks to be celebrating your birthday alone in a foreign land so here's what friends are for!
Friends are your second family in Melbourne hehe. Still remember calling my cell mate to ask if I can put her number under emergency contact. I guess it will be too late if the school calls Singapore, choy! Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace that you blessed me with so many amazing friends in the foreign city. <3

So, to celebrate Chen Yaan's birthday we decided to go Italian at the little Italian street in CBD. 

303 Lygon St, Carlton VIC 3053

 Tiramisu from Brunetti

Spaghetti Don Giovanni - Fresh seafood with chili to give the addition ompff to the flavour.
Sprinkle some Parmesan and it is a heavenly dish.
My favourite, strongly recommend! 
Hawaiian Pizza

B for Bun Bun the Bunny

After having the yummilicious dinner on a very cold Monday evening (feels like winter is back although spring is ending LOLOLOL) we decide to visit Bun Bun at Jessie's. Bun Bun is so fluffy!!! The fur behind her neck is so smooth, spot the heart shaped white fur on her forehead. SO CUTE!
It's a pity we could carry her, she's not used to people carrying, not even her owner :'(
Suddenly I feel like having a bunny too hahahas.

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